I had gotten back from bootcamp and I was pretty beat. As I was being tortured, the only thing that came to mind was "it's not gonna be easy". If I want results, I'm going to have to work hard for it. Hmmm. Not my favorite thing to do, but as time passes I'm enjoying what it feels like to work hard and see results. Not just at the gym, but in my marriage, at work, acting. Don't get me wrong, my marriage is great!! My hubby is great!! Butttt it takes a lot of hard work to see great results in a marriage. Not being selfish, having his best interests in mind, kindness, consideration, giving in, saying sorry (not one of my strong points). I'm enjoying seeing the fruits of my labor, it feels good to work hard for something and see results but I have a confession. I am not working as hard in the Bible department. After I posted the last blog, I was a bit embarrassed for myself. I've been a christian a little over 12 years and (oh my gosh I can't believe i'm gonna say this) I don't even know the books of the bible. I think I know Genesis thru Ruth. I don't know many bible verses, which is funny because my daughter has to memorize a bible verse each week at school and if she doesn't get an A, I freak out. Niiiice. I know, bad parent. So I made a decision, I'm going to commit to try and memorize at least 3-4 verses a week. Not so that I can say I know 297 verses and recite them to my hubby and Aliyah everyday, but so that I can be equipped. I take commercial classes to equip myself as an actress. So it only makes sense to equip myself for life.The verse that sparked this decision was "the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than a two edged sword" Hebrews 4:12. (i didn't cheat, I promise) It made me realize that I can say i've been a Christian for 67 years, but how much of HIS word do I have in my heart. If something comes up, I'm not prepared! I need to be able to back up my stuff. This just really tripped me out. I understand that my life and how I live is the biggest and best testimony but it's just not good enough for me anymore. I need to grow, I need to learn, I need to practice what I preach!! So Aliyah, i'm sorry that your wicked stepmother (hahaha!!) expects you to do something that I myself couldn't and wouldn't do.
So, I hope I don't have to write a blog next week confessing to you guys that I failed. If I have time to sit down and watch TV, I definitely have time to do this!
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