Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My baby is born!

So nine months ago is when all this craziness began and today I can say was a very exciting day. It's been 9 months of labor and today a baby star was born. Hahaha!!! Yes friends, I got the part. It's a promotion spot for Disney/Sara Lee, nothing major, I can't quit my day job just yet. Nevertheless, i'm just amazed how all this happened so fast. Talk about the power of prayer. For some reason it was in my heart to share this part of my life with people. Why? I don't know. All I knew was that I was excited about it. I felt like I was all dressed up with nowhere to go. This is where Facebook came in. I don't really have friends, so I thought, "this is going to be interesting" but within days I had 5 friends (2 were family members so I don't think that really counts). I noticed a trend, 5 women that love Jesus. Coincidence? I think not!! The invitation to join me was sent out, and here we are. I want to thank you for your prayers and your words of encouragement because Lord knows I need them. I am the queen of starting something and not finishing it. I think that's why i'm shocked to see this happening right before my eyes. I am actually following through and continuing to pursue something I started?! With God ALL things are possible. Amen??!!

Lesson of the month(s) for me, don't quit, hard work and sacrifice pay off. What's your goal? Finishing a book, being more organized, working out, whatever it is, don't quit, don't get discouraged that's exactly what satan wants. He likes for us to feel like losers, give up and be ineffective (hmmm... that sounds familiar). We are not losers people, Jesus loves us!!

"Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father who created all the lights in the heavens" James 1:17.


  1. WOO HOO!!! YEAH!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats!! Very proud of you! :)


  2. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh. my. gootnis'!!!

    I'm out of words.

    Wait, no I'm not. Can you get me free SaraLee food?

    Fat Girl Fo' Life,

  3. Love the verse you posted. I'm guilty of starting things and not finishing them, just ask Andres. So happy you are doing this...and glad to living vicarlous thru your experience. :)
