Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So Rise and Shine.....

I don't know what came over me, I was on my way to the oh so wonderful Se7en Deadly Sins Series brought to you by the ever so talented Bianca Juarez and I felt this great joy come over me.  I wanted to raise my hands and worship the Lord and I wasn't even listening to worship music (ooooooh i'm telling, hahaha!!). Anyway, I just felt joy, and it was awesome.  Then this song popped into my head, "So Rise & Shine and give God the Glory Glory, Rise and Shine and give God the Glory Glory, Rise & Shine and Give God the Glory Glory Children of the Lord".  (I'm a Sunday school teacher for 1st & 2nd graders so bare with me). I just wanted to give God the glory because these past 2 months have been KA RAZY!  One day i'm totally out of this whole network loop, no facebook, no nothing, just an email a Blackberry and a small dream.  Then the next day (not literally, but you know what I mean) I have a Facebook, a Twitter account, and a Blog.  Not only that, I actually have people that want to be my friends of Facebook, follow me on Twitter and read my blog. Is that crazy or what?!! Then let's top it off with that little dream starting to become a reality.  HE never ceases to amaze me. 
Then in between all of this we have "Se7en Deadly Sins".  Talk about revealing our "jacked up" hearts.  Wrath, Anger, Jealousy, Greed & Envy. Phewww. I'm tired just thinking about it. So in honor of tonight's class, I want to end this with a little "Thankful Walk". I borrowed (because stealing makes her sad) this idea from my friend Jasmine (shhhh!! she doesn't know she's my friend yet hahaha!!) 
I thinks it's a great idea, instead of focusing on what we don't have and what we think we deserve we should be thankful for all the things that make us smile. Thanks Jasmine.
I am Thankful for:
-My hubby and his cooking skills.  I hate cooking and let me tell you, the boy can cook!!!!!
-Aliyah loving me to pieces, and me loving her even more than that!
-My new FB friends(& family) and their prayers.
-Being able to go to work with my Sister everyday. Keeps me sane!
-Having Thursdays off & going to the IHOPPER & Happy Nail!
-My mom cooking every Tuesday & Friday
-Going to bootcamp with Mare! www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=2517106&ref=nf
-Sadie & Bailey. They don't talk back!

So Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory!!


  1. Great post Jackie!! I LOVE that song...I sing it to my Mary EVERY morning to wake her up! My mom use to sing it to me!! :)


  2. Was that B as in ME???? OH my GOODness! If it was, I'm so honored. Like really.
